Operaciones Forestales Sostenibles

Operaciones Forestales Sostenibles
San José, San José, Costa Rica

Operaciones Forestales Sostenibles S.A. (OFS) literary translates into sustainable forest management operations. OFS consists of a team of young Costa Rican foresters, in Costa Rica dedicated to the development of solutions to the secondary and degraded forests abundant in Costa Rica as a result of a successful 30 years national forest restoration programs.

OFS proposes a management solution to the owners of secondary forests in the Guanacaste region which is located in northwestern Costa Rica. This province is rich in semi-humid to dry tropical forests, which were degraded and converted into cattle land until the 1970s. The stop to the degradation led to a corresponding disappearance of a timber industry based on unsustainable practices. Yet today, the question of local wood supply, wood as a material in a circular economy and its potential to contribute to Costa Rica’s net zero commitment contribute to a renaissance of the sector.

OFS proposes a holistic range of forest management solutions to local landowners, including the elaboration of management plans, the execution of silvicultural and harvesting interventions and the linkage to markets.

FCCF supports OFS through both equity and debt investments.