Rigourous measurement system

Assessment is critical to verifying that the Fund and its projects are progressing towards the impact envisaged by the Theory of Change. The Fund ensures that managing investments with an impact focus is integrated into its processes. One key component to this is assessing and monitoring our investments. Together with our partners, we have developed a robust impact measurement framework which corresponds to the three core pillars defined in the Theory of Change.

Impact measurement

Natural Capital

$4.7m committed to sustainable forest management
10,511 ha Area of SDF secured for management
3xFSC forest management certification achieved
108,463 tCO2 sequestration of greenhouse gases (cumulative)

Wood Value Chains

$5.6m committed to value chain companies
5xFSC chain of custody certification
39,134 m3 roundwood volume processed to date
$3.9m group revenue to date
29 lesser-known species commercialised

Equity & Inclusion

128 jobs created
15% of employees are female
93% of people employed from the communities
7 communities directly and/or indirectly impacted
8 landowners FCCF invested in