Geographic focus
FCCF is a relatively small impact investment fund and develops pioneering business models for natural capital restoration in secondary and degraded forests. The consideration of where to focus geographically included:
- our experience as asset managers
- the need to operate on a small scale within countries with a diverse and often degraded forest landscape
- Operating where there is an established legal and regulatory environment for forest management
- The ambition to build connections between different partners.

Another consideration is that FCCF focuses on working with small and medium forest owners who have private ownership titles over land and forest communities which either have land titles or long-term land lease agreements. FCCF does not directly finance forest management for public entities. Land ownership structure has therefore been another fundamental criteria when determining the geographic focus of FCCF.
For all these reasons, FCCF is focused on Central America & the Caribbean. This has been defined by the Fund to include the sub-tropical and tropical forests of Southern Mexico, the Caribbean as well as the seven Central American countries.